AIT's Board
of Directors

Lori Woodley, MS
President / Founder AIT
Counselor, Trainer, Author
After 25 years as a school counselor, Lori loves that the work of All It Takes is sustainable and has both immediate and lasting positive impact.

Paul Menes
Chairman of the Board
Los Angeles, CA
Paul is in awe of the positive transformations he has seen All It Takes make in its young participants. The compassion and emotional maturity they learn are tools to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.

Wendy Compton
Treasurer of the Board
Volunteer in Accounting, Social Media AIT
ROC software, Red 21 and Realistic, Austin, TX
Wendy is grateful that All It Takes provides the scaffolding that give individuals the opportunity and tools to continue moving themselves up.

Cortney Montgomery
Secretary of the Board
Director of Clinical Nutrition
Keck Medical Center of USC
Cortney is empowered by the fact that All It Takes chooses to live in a place of conscience compassion for others.

Sarah Bernson

Jules Ho

Alejandra Valencia
is a Project Manager with Idea Engineering and has been working with youth, education, and behavioral health programs in providing support for young people and communities in reducing stigma and increasing health equity education for marginalized populations.
She is big champion in providing access to elevate young people and their overall wellbeing.

Dave Langendorff
Irrigation Consultant
Simi Valley, CA

Karin Gornick
Social Impact Film Producer
San Francisco, CA

Tanner Woodley
Creative Director
All It Takes
Tanner appreciates that AIT gives every community the tools they need to address their own unique problems. Everyone has the ability to create their own paradise, and AIT gives people the tools, and more importantly, hope, that it's possible.