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​Build a stronger, more engaged, and inclusive, school community with an All It Takes On-Site SEL Field Day. This experiential program focuses on developing independent thinking, and productive problem-solving, while building resilience, agency, and a deeper understanding of self and others.


Our expert facilitators guide students and staff through SEL development, fostering meaningful social connections, a strong sense of purpose, and a deeper attachment to school and community. Participants will gain skills to intentionally manage their influence, reactions, and impact, benefiting themselves and those around them. Together, students and educators will build a unified community, recognizing their essential roles in creating collective success.



What To Expect:


Tailored for the needs of your school, grade, or class, this experience will:

  • Help students connect with peers they don’t typically interact with.

  • Develop critical SEL skills like communication, decision-making, and teamwork.

  • Provide engaging challenges that encourage personal growth and reflection.



Key Concepts

  • Notice Choose Act® - A decision-making framework for making powerful and purposeful decisions that guide us to create outcomes we feel proud of and take responsibility for. 

  • Ask vs. Tell - A process of understanding how we are feeling, what we need or what is missing and expressing it all proactively using an I-Statement.


  • Influence vs. Leadership – While we might not all stand in front of the group and lead, we are all influencing, all the time.

  • Reasons vs. Excuses – Integrity grows when we create environments where ownership and forgiveness is cultivated and permission to be imperfect while growing is valued.

A full day of fun activities, including:​

  • Team building activities

  • Experiential SEL Workshops

  • Personal Growth & Leadership Exercises

Learning Through Fun


Measurable Outcomes Of All It Takes Youth Trainings:

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Participants leave with greater confidence, self-efficacy, and independent decision-making skills.

Participants leave with the tools and commitment to engage in positive action to reduce unkind and hurtful behaviors.

​Participants leave with a high level of empathy and care for themselves, each other, and their environment.​

School campuses and communities experience a significant reduction in unkind behaviors from participants and their influences.




89 Completed Surveys  |  101 Total Participants​​​​​  |  88% Response Rate

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"What I liked about today is that I really felt connected with my classmates and the people around me."

- Middle School Student

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