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Why Schools Need Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Step into any conversation about education in the US, and you'll feel the tension thick in the air. Parents want what's best for their kids, teachers are stretched thin trying to meet every student's needs, administrators balance endless intrapersonal puzzles, and students? They're just trying to find their way through it all. Into this mix, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has gained unprecedented momentum—though not without its share of controversy. But here's the thing: when we peel back the layers of debate, SEL emerges as a powerful tool for building resilience, a quality undeniably beneficial for every young person. Let's unpack the divide and see why, despite the controversies, SEL might just be the bridge we've all been looking for.

The Divide Up Close

Talk SEL, and you'll find the room splits quickly. Some see it as a distraction from "real" learning or, worse, a veiled attempt at shaping personal values. It's a heated topic, with passionate voices on all sides. But at the heart of the debate is a simple misunderstanding of what SEL really aims to do. It's not about sidelining academic goals or pushing an agenda. It's about equipping kids with the emotional toolkit they need to thrive both in and out of the classroom.

SEL Done Right VS SEL Done Wrong

SEL, when done correctly, isn't about shielding students from harsh realities or creating safe, soft spaces where they feel no trepidation. Far from it—it's about students feeling they can express their authentic selves in the face of discomfort  because they trust in their community to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Unfortunately, SEL's implementation has been uneven across the board. In some instances, it's been reduced to a series of worksheets—a check-the-box activity that skims the surface but fails to penetrate the depths of genuine emotional and social learning. This approach misses the mark. Social Emotional Literacy must be modeled by the adults in our students lives in order for them to learn it. 

The Three E's of Effective SEL: 

  1. Experiential: SEL thrives on direct experiences. It's about learning through doing, whether that's through hands on activities, group sharing, or real-world problem solving. This hands-on approach helps students internalize SEL principles, making them a natural part of the decision-making process.

  2. Embedded: SEL can't stand apart from the academic curriculum; it must be woven into it in the appropriate places. From literature discussions that explore characters' emotional journeys to science projects that require teamwork and negotiation, SEL is most effective when it's not just seen or heard, but experienced.

  3. Expected: Finally, the true efficacy of SEL hinges on its integration into the fabric of school culture, where accountability to standards are paramount. From the manner in which conflicts are navigated on the playground to the behavioral expectations upheld throughout the school day, SEL must be synonymous with a culture of accountability. It's about ensuring that students understand the importance of their actions and the natural consequences that follow. When students anticipate that they will be held to a consistent standard of behavior—a standard that is fair, understood, and aligned with SEL principles—SEL transcends the realm of theory and becomes a tangible, influential force in their daily lives. This expectation of accountability doesn't just prepare students to meet academic challenges; it equips them with the moral compass to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the wider world with integrity and resilience.

Why SEL Matters

Imagine a classroom where students can navigate their emotions, empathize with others, and tackle challenges with resilience. That's SEL in action. It's about teaching kids how to manage feelings, set goals, make decisions, and get along with others. And here's the kicker: these skills don't just make happier, more well-adjusted kids; they lay the groundwork for academic success too.

  1. Emotional Well-being: SEL teaches kids to understand and manage their emotions. This means less time lost to outbursts or anxiety and more time focused on learning.

  2. Empathy and Understanding: By fostering empathy, SEL helps create a more inclusive and supportive classroom environment, where every student feels valued and understood.

  3. Resilience: This is the big one. Life throws curveballs, and SEL equips students to catch them. Resilient kids can face setbacks, learn from them, and bounce back stronger.

Building Bridges

So, how do we bridge the divide? It starts with a conversation—a real, honest dialogue about what SEL is and isn't. It's about showing, not just telling, how these skills underpin academic success and personal well-being.

  1. Transparency and Education: Demystifying SEL for parents and educators alike can dispel fears and build trust. Workshops, open days, and clear communication can all play a part.

  2. Inclusivity in Implementation: SEL should reflect and respect the diversity of the student body, ensuring that it's relevant and accessible to all.

  3. Evidence-Based Advocacy: Sharing success stories and data that highlight SEL's positive impact on both academic results and personal development can turn skeptics into believers.

Yes, the education landscape is fraught with differing opinions and priorities. And yes, SEL has become a lightning rod for controversy. But strip away the misunderstandings, and you'll find at its heart, SEL is something we can all get behind: a commitment to raising resilient, empathetic, and well-rounded individuals. By focusing on what unites us—the shared goal of empowering our children to succeed in life—we can begin to bridge the divides and move forward together. It's not just about finding common ground; it's about creating it, one brave conversation at a time. 


Why Schools Need Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

"Those people that feel as though social emotional learning does not have a true place in a school. I challenge them to visit a school today.

I challenge them to visit and I challenge them to talk to some children that have some real concerns, that have some true worries. Things are going on in the homes of every kid. Are we really looking at developing tomorrow's generation? If we truly do not give them that social and emotional platform to share, to learn?

Are we saying it's okay to bottle up their feelings and don't deal with them? Then you start to see the outbursts that we see all over the world where the violence increase because you were not taught to release those emotions in an appropriate way. That's why I think our world, for the sake of words, we've become mean and schools is the one place that we can start to see a shift.

If we take it seriously, if principals, administration, team members, teachers, community, if we take that piece serious and look at the child as a, as a valuable piece to society, we can start to, we can, we can start a revolution just within schools banding together to say, this is what school will be. School will be a safe place for children to express themselves, for children to do hands-on activities for children to be children."

-Dr. LaDonna Braswell

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